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검색 결과

  • expression through the needs of his own nature, had devoted the necessary love and patience to an adequate reproduction of the great work of Goethe's life...
    235 KB (40,574 단어) - 2019년 7월 29일 (월) 22:43
  • unsatisfied desires which the man dulls at his restaurant or club, imbibing beer and playing at being important? To these sources of dissatisfaction is added...
    198 KB (33,538 단어) - 2019년 7월 17일 (수) 13:05
  • Curiosity. Sociability and shyness. Secretiveness. Cleanliness. Shame. Love. Maternal love. CHAPTER XXV. THE EMOTIONS Instinctive reaction and emotional expression...
    1.6 MB (286,384 단어) - 2019년 8월 1일 (목) 22:02