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- Poetry which endures through its own inherent vitality, there is no forced union of these two elements. They are as intimately blended, and with the same...235 KB (40,574 단어) - 2019년 7월 29일 (월) 22:43
- -wakeful too. The Nymphs are grateful to Pan for not putting a term to their sports by falling asleep, for when Pan sleeps, all Nature sleeps with him. The...444 KB (75,507 단어) - 2019년 7월 30일 (화) 21:41
- of the battle of life. If a boy grows up alone at the age of games and sports, and learns neither to play ball, nor row, nor sail, nor ride, nor skate...1.6 MB (286,384 단어) - 2019년 8월 1일 (목) 22:02