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- the lover wakes. Shut the latch! the morning breaks_. SIEBEL Yes, sing away, sing on, and praise, and brag of her! I'll wait my proper time for laughter:...235 KB (40,574 단어) - 2019년 7월 29일 (월) 22:43
- To-day again, as heretofore, I'm Principal, and yet the title With none to bow before it, boots me little. \_He pulls the bell, which gives out a shrill...444 KB (75,507 단어) - 2019년 7월 30일 (화) 21:41
- And the same may be said of the manner in which the right hand holds the bow: "It sometimes happens, in beginning these simultaneous combinations, that...1.09 MB (194,424 단어) - 2019년 8월 2일 (금) 10:17
- diminuendo terminations. After the pianissimo has been reached they continue to bow as if still playing, but are careful not to touch the strings. The listener...1.6 MB (286,384 단어) - 2019년 8월 1일 (목) 22:02
- no one else was able to bend the bow; ... hence B (the disguised Odysseus) imagined that A would] recognize the bow which, in fact, he had not seen; and...36 KB (248 단어) - 2022년 11월 19일 (토) 15:48