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검색 결과

  • not see that light, that star there?” and pointed to a dark corner of the room. She became more and more disturbed, and called for a light in terror. She...
    180 KB (29,884 단어) - 2019년 7월 13일 (토) 18:03
  • the tower, The world is my joy. My glances afar light, My glances light near, On sun, moon and star-light, OD woodland and deer. Part II 311 In all the...
    444 KB (75,507 단어) - 2019년 7월 30일 (화) 21:41
  • blue ether, Break from the sky! O that the darkling Clouds had departed! Starlight is sparkling, Tranquiller-hearted Suns are on high. Heaven's own children...
    235 KB (40,574 단어) - 2019년 7월 29일 (월) 22:43
  • प्रज्ञाऽऽलोकः ॥५॥ tajjayāt prajñālokaḥ 5. By the conquest of that comes light of knowledge. [3.5] 그것을 극복(정복)함으로써 지식(의지)의 빛이 나옵니다. When one has succeeded...
    72 KB (8,710 단어) - 2024년 8월 24일 (토) 21:15
  • like a candle-flame in a dark enclosure, or a star. Gazing first at some point remote from the source of light, let the eye be suddenly turned full upon the...
    1.6 MB (286,384 단어) - 2019년 8월 1일 (목) 22:02
  • dying; This is lordly man's down-lying; This his slow but sure reclining, Star by star his world resigning." The fact remains, however, that certain special...
    1.09 MB (194,424 단어) - 2019년 8월 2일 (금) 10:17
  • flying through space like a comet, of being either the earth, the sun, or a star, or of being either extraordinarily big or small, of having died, etc. Physical...
    197 KB (27,896 단어) - 2019년 8월 22일 (목) 12:11