본문으로 이동


위키문헌, 우리 모두의 도서관.

안내: 이 틀을 더 이상 사용하지 마세요! 대신 {{col-begin}}을 사용해주세요.



{{Multicol}} is used to start a multi-column section of a page. Between each block of column text insert {{Multicol-break}}, between each section (which will keep the same column spacing) add {{Multicol-section}} and close the last column with {{Multicol-end}}. For example:

 This text appears in the first column.
 This text appears in the second column.
 This text appears in the third column.

You can have any number of columns. Each column will be the same width, equally dividing the available horizontal space. Each column has a small right margin (20 pixels), creating a "gutter" that prevents text in one column from touching text in the column to its right.



This template has four optional parameters

  • |width=, |1=: The overall width of the set of columns (use auto to shrink to content)
  • |align=: Alignment of the overall set of columns
  • |line=: Interstitial line format.
  • |gap=, |2=: The width of the gutter

Overall width


The overall width of the set of columns is set in {{multicol}} as the first parmeter. It can be an absolute value (e.g., 40em) or a percentage of the available page width (e.g., 50%). This parameter defaults to 100%. For example, to create a multi-column section that is only 50% the width of the page:

This text appears in the first column.
This text appears in the second column.
This text appears in the third column.
This text appears in the next row, first column.
This text appears in the next row, second column.



The multi-column region is positioned on the left side of the containing block by default. To change this, adjust the "align" parameter in {{multicol}} to "center" or "right"




The margins can easily be changed by adjusting the second parameter in {{multicol}} or the first in {{multicol-break}}. You do not specify it in {{multicol-end}}. The margins occur on the left and right of the block, so you should specify half the actual separation you want.

This text appears in the first column.
This text appears in the second column.

Line format


The third parameter controls a line between the blocks. This parameter is named "line" and cannot be accessed using positional arguments. It must be specified in {{multicol}} and {{multicol-break}}. The line format is given in the CSS way, eg "1px solid black", "2px dashed red", etc.

{{Multicol|line=1px solid black}}
This text appears in the first column.
{{Multicol-break|line=1px solid black}}
This text appears in the second column.

Other style


the |style= parameter may be used to define other styles not covered above.

Technical notes


This template uses a table to achieve the columns. Consider using a table if it is clearer in context than using this template.